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Monday, November 10, 2008

15 Days of Marketing with Jessica Knows - Day 10

Day 10 - Find Your Awesome Allies
Day 10 - Assignment: Awesome Allies & Online Support Network

I feel like I already started my Day 10 assignment, before I even met Jessica Smith. Why do I feel this way? Well, when I discovered Twitter I found it to be a great medium for searching for and building an online support network – outside of my “offline” allies of course. And as a result I found @JessicaKnows. Timing was perfect too, since she started tweeting about "15 Days of Marketing with Jessica Knows" and I knew... I wanted in.

Part of Day four’s assignment involved finding Twitter “following” AND “followers. During that exercise, I realized that I tend to search for and gravitate toward those who have a similar niche, relate to my “real time” life experiences, or just plain click (based on gut instinct). Thus building on my online support network (and including some awesome allies).

I know I still have lots to learn, so I plan to continue building my online support network and surrounding myself with Awesome Allies - both mentors & peers.

I have never met Jessica Smith, but I have been learning so much from her through this experience. So, I also like to consider Jessica an, Oh Sooo Awesome Ally & Mentor!