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Sunday, November 9, 2008

15 Days of Marketing with Jessica Knows - Day 9

Day 9 - My Blog, My Brand, Now Show Me the Money!
Day 9 - Assignment: Monetize what works for you

Having a customer services call center background, I did lots of user testing and provided valuable feedback regarding user experience, especially every time the systems were upgraded. So, I’m excited to sign up for UserTesting.com.

Who wouldn’t want to make oodles of money? I know I would! But Jessica makes a great point and key recommendation that you have to figure out what works for you and your style. Affiliate marketing might work great for some type of bloggers, yet direct sales (or even tips) might work better for others. You won’t really know unless you explore and consider what works for you. For me the timing of this post from Jessica is perfect, as I have always been intrigued with how bloggers go about advertising on their site. Since my blog is very new, I am still exploring blogging platforms, designs, images, logos, as well as what type of marketing I want to appear on my blog. I’m hoping to take lessons learned from JessicaKnows (and others) to revamp and re-launch my blog soon.

One thing for sure I am getting done today on my blog is adding a disclosure policy. Thanks Jessica for bringing up this very important (yet often overlooked) recommendation.